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Westfield Community School A beacon of hope (Ofsted)

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Friday 13th July

French Cafe

Good afternoon and welcome back to our blog.


This  week we wrote to year 5, in the style of an agony aunt, to address any worries they have about moving up to year 6. We were really impressed with the advice they gave to them.


We have completed maths puzzles and finished our topic on the Mayans with an assessment of everything they have learned.


The children enjoyed a real treat this week which was a visit to the French cafe (aka Mrs Mrs Roche's room) to taste some French delights. The children really enjoyed their viit. A huge thank you to Madame Wilson for arranging this for us.

Westfest was a great success - thank you all for supporting this event.smileyno


We are looking forward to the cinema on Monday, please ensure your child brings their consent form if they haven't done so already.

Have a great weekend

Love from

Mrs Parry and Mrs Melling xx
