Congratulations to Michal for receiving the achievement award this week for his immaculate presentation in everything he does. He takes pride in his work, keep it up Michal.
We have had a very busy and exciting week. In science we investigated materials and tried different materials for the Three Little Pigs houses. We made houses of fabric, foil, plastic and paper to test which material could withstand the wolf huffing and puffing (the hairdryer!). We were scientists as we made our predictions (guesses) and recorded the results. Have a look at our fabulous photographs below.
In topic, we were thinking about the different types of houses we live in and we decided to create our own houses out of clay! Have a look at those pictures below too! Our houses are coming home with us when they are dry so you can have a look at how well we have represented them in clay!
One more week to go in our first term in year 1. We are getting very tired now so please make sure we have lots of early nights (especially as it's hard to get up in the dark in the morning!).
We look forward to seeing you at parents' evening next week, please bear with us, we will see you as close to your time as we can!
Have a great weekend!
Lots of love,
Miss Rose, Mrs Duckworth and all the Y1F staff
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