Hello everyone and welcome back to year 6F's blog! Here's what we've been up to this week....
In English we looked at a clip called The Piano. It's a very moving clip which shows an old man reminiscing about his life. The children wrote some very emotive work from this which was a joy to read. Well done to them.
In maths we have been learning division. Many children found this quite tricky (especially the long division), but gave it a great go none the less and didn't give up! Grit and determination was displayed by all!
We got creative when writing a poem in topic and was lucky enough to see Carries's War which gave the children a general understanding of life as an evacuee.
All in all a full on week as usual here in year 6.
Don't forget Parent's Evening next week, we look forward to seeing you then and our WW2 day on Friday where children can dress as evacuees if they wish.
Have a great weekend.
Love from Mrs Parry and Mrs Melling xx