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Westfield Community School A beacon of hope (Ofsted)

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Friday 13th September

Well it may be Friday the 13th and that may be unlucky for some but for us in Year 1F we're feeling great as we achieved fabulous attendance and we have been able to wear our own clothes as a reward! 


In our English lessons we have been writing and spelling lots of various words such as bulb, hand and frog. We have been learning to use finger spaces and full stops at the end of sentences. 


In Maths we have been counting forwards, backwards, finding one more and one less. 


In Science we have continued to look at materials and describe their properties using vocabulary like soft, hard, strong and bendy. 


In our Topic work we have been working on our self portraits. We practiced skills of drawing our eyes and the details needed. 

We drew our facial features in isolation (eyes, nose and mouth) and then practised drawing it all together as a self portrait. 

Look at our photographs and see the visible improvements. 


We hope you all have a lovely weekend. 

Love from Mrs Woodcock and Mrs Folksman 
