The children in Year 1 have been working their socks off and many children are making great progress since the start of September.
It is so pleasing to see so many children reading every night and they are so keen to collect their stamps as a reward for nightly reading.
In English we have enjoyed the story 'The Snowman.' The children used inspiration from it to create their own snow story. Many children chose a snow dog, snow reindeer and we even had some snow dinosaurs, who all came to life. The children chose somewhere new for the characters to fly to and produced a wonderful story. Lots of children are using full stops, capital letters and adjectives independently in their writing!
In Maths we have worked on addition and subtraction. We have used counters, tens frames and the part whole model in order to help us understand both operations.
Throughout the term in science we have been learning about seasonal changes. We learnt all about the seasons and how the weather changes during those seasons.
In topic we have been thinking about Hot and Cold countries. We used maps and an atlas to locate the North Pole, The South Pole and even the equator!
We then learned about a famous artist called Kandinsky. We constructed concentric circles using warm and cold colours.
Next week will be exciting as we prepare for the end of term and have lots of fun activities planned- such as our Christmas party on Tuesday! Don't forget to come in your party clothes.