Friday 14th September
Welcome to this week’s blog from Year 5F. It has been a busy work and we have been working non-stop!
Maths – This week, the children have been reading and writing numbers up to a million, ordering and comparing numbers up to 6 digits, placing numbers up to 5 digits on a number line and rounding a variety of numbers up to the nearest 10, 100 and 1000. As you can see we have been busy little maths monsters!
Please take the time to look at this website with your child and help them to correctly place numbers on the line…
English – We have continued to read our class novel Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. The children have been thinking about how Charlie might have felt when he stood outside the imposing factory gates. Also, the children have been looking at how to make their sentences more interesting by adding exciting adjectives and using connectives. As well as that, they have been learning the spelling rules for changing a verb into the past tense.
Topic – The children have been looking at our new topic Woodlands and Wetlands. They have been looking at Ordnance Survey (OS) maps and the symbols that are used. Next, they chose their favourite symbol and explained what they liked about it, as well as their least favourite and why. Finally, they designed some new symbols that they might be needed to update the maps for the modern world we live in.
Next, they drafted a letter to the OS telling them what they thought about the symbols they use on their maps and how they could improve them. Once they had checked their draft and corrected any errors and improved their choices of words, they wrote a final draft of their latter.
Here is our certificate winner this week. She won for producing high quality work that is ALWAYS beautifully presented. Her work is a joy to mark. Well done from all of us!
All that remains to say is have a great weekend and we will see you all again on Monday.