Hello and welcome to our final blog of this half term. We can't believe how quickly the weeks are flying by!
Firstly, just to say thank you to those who attended the SATs meeting on Wednesday, we hope you found the information useful. We are now inviting all parents to attend the Parent & Child Workshop which will take place on Wednesday 27th February at 3.30 - 4.15pm. Details have been sent home with your child today. We would love to see you all there!
Your children have been working really hard this week. We have carried out some assessments and it is great to see the progress they are making - well done to them all!
We have also enjoyed continuing our Victorians topic this week, we listened to the story of Jimmy Turton and are still enjoying reading Hetty Feather - in fact, we are hooked on it!
We also won the attendance award for the half term so bagged an extra play time today!
We hope you have a great half term and we will see you back on the 25th.
Love from Mrs Parry, Mrs Melling & Mr Jackson xx