Welcome back!
It's been another busy week in Year 2!
In Maths the children have been using rulers to measure different lengths. Then they were given a length and they had to draw a line using the ruler. The children did really well with this! Well done!
In Topic we have been looking at a blank world map and added labels to each continent. The children enjoyed looking at the maps and the different continents and countries. We have also started to look at Aboriginal Art. The children used cotton buds and paint to practise creating dots and patterns in preparation of completing their final piece next week.
In Science we have completed our plant growth investigation. We found that the plant with water, light and soil grew the best. The plant with no light was tall but it was yellow and spindly and although the bulb with no soil or water didn't grow it did sprout.
We hope you have a great weekend!
Mrs Woodcock, Mrs Haselden and Mrs Folksman