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Friday 15th March 2019

Welcome back to Year 4 blog.


In English this week, we have been writing about unusual machines.  On Tuesday we wrote about the `Tidy Your Bedroom Machine'.  Lot's of us really wanted this machine, and wondered where we might buy one.  On Thursday, we wrote about the `Pocket Money Maker Machine'.  This was for our `hot writing task'.  We started our our English writing on explanations with a `cold writing' task, and at the end of the topic, we end it with a `hot task'.  You'd be amazed at our much progress we can show.  Take a look at some of our work.

In Maths, we have been rounding decimal numbers to the nearest whole number.  You may remember that when we rounded whole numbers, we used the Rounding Rap to help us identify whether we rounded up or down.  Here it is...

Explanation Writing

Rounding Rap

This is a great video for helping students learn to round.

The same principle applies here.  If the decimal is 0 to 4, the numbers stays the same, 5 to 9 adding 1 is the game.  So, 3.2 -(the 2 tells us to round down -the number stays the same) would round to 3.  A number like 4.8 (the 8 tells us to round up) so the 4 would become 5.


Why not try your skills on this online game -here
