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Friday 15th October

Friday 15th October 2021

Welcome to Y6F’s blog for this week. It has been another busy week with lots of amazing work from the children.


REMINDER - If you haven't already done so can you please book an online appointment for Parent's Evening next week. Appointments are available between 4-6pm on Tuesday 19th October and Thursday 21st October. You will have received a link through the Weduc App, which allows you to make your appointment with Mrs. Turner. We look forward to being able to chat to you about your child's first few weeks in Year 6, and how they're settling in. 


English – We have completed our class novel Hetty Feather. The children thoroughly enjoyed learning about Hetty’s life at the Foundling Hospital. We were all pleased that Hetty had a happy ending in the book. The children are keen to read the follow up novel Sapphire Battersea - maybe a great addition to their Christmas list! We have now begun our latest class novel, Street Child by Berlie Doherty. This follows the life of a young Victorian boy, living on the streets of London, in the 1840s.

Maths – The children have continued to investigate long division using partial tables to help. They have really enjoyed using this method and have confidently tackled some complex maths this week. A big well done to all of Year 6F!


This online game is a quick, easy and fun way to practise long division at home…

Science – This week the children have been making their very own book all about light using the facts they have learnt over the past six weeks. They are looking fantastic, and once completed will be going up on display in class.


Topic – Our topic for this half term is called MILL CHILD and is all about life in Victorian Britain. The children have learned about influential Victorians, including Lord Shaftesbury, Charles Rennie Mackintosh and William Morris. The children have been printing their own version of William Morris artwork. Here are some photos of them during the process…

Here is our certificate winner this week. He couldn’t have had a more perfect week! He has worked his socks off, been helpful and considerate of others, charming and well mannered and as if that isn’t enough, he has mastered long division with partial tables in record time! What a week!

All that remains to say is we hope you have a great weekend and we look forward to seeing you again on Monday. 
