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This week in English we have taken beautiful images from the Mozart Question book and used them to stimulate short narratives as if from the story itself. The children have really responded to some of the new sentence building techniques we've practised and created some stunning examples. Take a look............
Imagine a place where people didn't know they were about to be killed, where soldiers tortured innocents, where sinister trains kept coming back with more victims: this was one of many concentration camps.
Imagine an astonishing location that has calm streams instead of roads, where numerous people glare at the amazing construction, where flocks of birds swooped swiftly: this is the wonderful city of Venice.
In maths we have rounded numbers to 10 million to any degree of accuracy required which is very challenging anf have now moved on to understanding negative numbers. Can you solve this: 3 + - 5 = ?
In topic we have used the internet reseasrch key facts about World War II in out Battle of Britain topic.
Have a great week