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Westfield Community School A beacon of hope (Ofsted)

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Friday 15th September

Hello and welcome back to our blog. Here’s what we have been up to this week!smiley


We have come to the end of our work on the Mozart Question, the children worked really hard on getting to understand this book and have created some lovely work on it, from book reviews to story boards. Well done to them!


In maths, we have been working on negative numbers and exploring how we would use them in real life context, such as thermometers and bank balances!sad


We have continued with our topic onmail ‘Light’ mailin science and in topic have been researching World War 2. The children will write a factual report next week based on their findings.


So once again it’s been a busy old week in year 6. Your children are working really hard and are settling in great which is a delight to see.nonono


We have sent home learning logs today. As always, we would ask that children use these to find out anything additional about what we are doing in class or about the topic and science areas we are covering.


Have a fab weekend and we will see you on Monday.

Love from

Mrs Parry and Mrs Melling xxsmiley

