In Maths we have been learning how to count to ten and twenty. We have been counting carefully, moving the counters into a line so we don't count them twice. As well as that, we have been learning how to form our numbers correctly. Please help us with this at home.
In English, we have been reading the Julia Donaldson book; The Gruffalo. We have been retelling the story using character masks, as well as learning how to sequence the pictures to retell the story.
In Science, we have been exploring a range of different materials and using scientific vocabulary to describe them. This week we have been thinking about whether an object is hard or soft.
In topic, we have been learning how to sketch our eyes, nose and lips, using feathery sketch strokes.
The achievement award this week goes to Bayley for fantastic effort in everything he has been doing.
Have a lovely weekend and don't forget to complete one of your homework tasks and hand it in on Monday with your name on.
Lots of love,
Miss Rose, Mrs Duckworth and all the Y1F staff
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