Welcome back!
During the last couple of weeks the children have been reading a book called The Stone Age boy. This story is about a boy who falls into the Stone Age, meets a girl called Om and learns about how Om and her family live. The children have then written their own version of the story called The Great Fire of London Boy, where their character falls into the Great Fire of London. They used information they could remember from Year 2 to describe the fire in story.
In Maths the children have learnt how to solve calculations using column subtraction.
In Topic we have started our new topic called The Stone Age. The children have learnt about the 3 time periods of the stone age, Palaeolithic, Mesolithic and Neolithic. They also learnt about the houses people had in those times.
In PE we have been learning the Haka as part of our dance topic. The children have loved creating their own version of the dance.
We hope you have a great weekend!
Love Mrs Dickinson and Mrs Folksman.