Hello and welcome to the 5W’s blog.
In maths this week we looked at short multiplication. Which is a number multiplied by a single digit. E.g. 26x
We started simple with a two-digit number multiplied by a single digit to master the method, we then moved onto 3,4,5-digit numbers.
Once we had mastered that we moved on to long division; where a number is multiplied by a two-digit number.
35 x
In English we looked modal verbs. These are verbs that show a level of possibility, indicate ability, show obligation or give permission. For example; will, must, may.
We will have a sandwich for lunch.
You must wear a coat.
As part of Futures Week, we had to write a letter of application for a job. This task leant itself to using modal verbs. For example:
Dear Sir/Madam,
I believe I would be the perfect person for this job because …..
I will always give my best.
Still looking at life cycles, this week we learnt about the dragonfly.
Did you know that the dragonfly larval nymph spends two years under water?
This week we began by looking at the Long ships (Dragon ships) and labelling the different parts. We also wrote a brief description of the different parts.
As part of Futures Week, we had special assembly where we had a question and answer session in the hall with some visitors. We then, on the back of their answers, had to guess their professions. These were; a pilot, a deputy fire chief, a specialist nurse, an actor and a sports education development manager at Wigan Athletic.
Following that, Graham the nurse, Mike the sports education manager and the Greg the actor visited our classroom, so we could ask more questions. All had a similar message, ‘Be the best you can be’ and anything is possible!
Pupil of the week is ……Kayden for showing compassion to a fellow classmate. Resulting in someone’s self esteem going through the roof!
An extra Well Done for winning the trophy. Thoroughly deserved!
Enjoy Children in Need tonight and have a great weekend! We’ll see you on Monday!