Welcome back, winter is on its way with these cold morning and dark nights.
Meanwhile, Year 3F have had another very busy week. We have had lots of fun this week, we even saw some pirates!
A big well done goes to Evie, for her fantastic description of our time in the ALPS, Evie used adjectives, speech marks and exclamation marks!!
Also Well done to Anmol and Evie who read every day this week! Keep it up.
In maths this week we have been learning about perimeter. We have learnt how to work out the perimeter of a 2D shape. We then measured the perimeter of places in our school. Some of us measured the perimeter of the middle phase corridor, some of us measured the football pitch on the playground. The rest of us measured the perimeter of the MUGA. We used a trundle wheel to help us.
In English we have continued with our pirate theme. We were visited this week by pirates, they left their treasure in the ALPS, we followed a map and found it. It was full of gold coins, we ate the evidence in case the pirates came looking for us. We then wrote a description of our treasure hunt. Mr Fletcher was very impressed with the detail we put into our work.
Our focus this week has been Steve Irwin. He is a very fascinating man, he have learnt about his life and his interests. He was very brave and wrestled his first crocodile at the age of 9. We have wrote fantastic character descriptions about Steve. Please feel free to ask if you want to take a look.
Lunch time! We have been putting our lunch into food groups. We thought about the food we have been eating and what ingredients they contain. We then put these ingredients into food groups.