Hello and welcome to Year 2F's blog.
We have been really busy working hard and settling into our new class.
The children have been working perfectly and are always trying their best.
In English-
We are reading The Troll. The children have made predictions about the ending based on what they have read. We have also been learning what is a noun.
In Maths-
We have been learning about the place value of numbers and we have been using lots of equipment. We have been making, writing and recording numbers.
The children have made a very good first impression regarding their understanding of numbers. Keep up the hard work year 2!!!
Reading should be encouraged every night.
Homework is given out on a Monday and needs to be in school completed by Friday.
PE is on a Tuesday.
We hope you all have a wonderful weekend- love Mrs Woodcock, Mrs Haselden, Mrs Dwyer and Year 2F!!!