Friday 17th February
Welcome to this week’s blog from Year 5F and the last one for this half term. We hope you have all had a great week.
Maths – The children have continued to look at fractions this week. They have continued comparing fractions. This week they have looked at three or four fractions with differing denominators (bottom numbers), then had to find a common denominator and make them all the same. After that, they ordered the fractions from biggest to smallest. Later on in the week, the children moved on to adding and subtracting fractions with the same denominator. Finally, they added and subtracted fractions with different denominators so they had to convert them to have the same denominator before they could find an answer.
Take a look at this website which allows you to add fractions with the same denominators as well as with different denominators as you gain in confidence…
English – The children have continued to look at biographies. They have been researching the lives of some famous people. They have written biographies about J. K. Rowling and Usain Bolt. In R.E. they have been finding out about St Francis (following on from our trip to St Francis church last week) and have written a biography about his life.
Science – The children have designed their own posters all about the Sun, the Earth and the Moon. They have decorated them with illustrations and diagrams and included everything they have found out whilst we have been learning about this topic.
Topic – This week the children have been designing and then making their own rockets. They have come up with some super designs. Here are some photographs of them busy at work…
Here is our CERTIFICATE WINNER for this week. She won for making a super human effort to set her own alarm, get herself up, dressed and ready for school on time. As a result of her fantastic effort, she is not missing any lesson time and making much more progress. A BIG well done from all her classmates and teachers. To top it all off she went on to be chosen as the UPPER PHASE PUPIL OF THE WEEK and gets to keep the trophy at home over half term.
All that remains to say is have a great half term. We look forward to seeing you back in school on MONDAY 27th FEBRUARY.