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Friday 17th January

Hello again and welcome to Year 6's BLOG,


As always, it's been a busy, old week! Who can believe we are already past mid-January. Time surely does fly.


In English this week, the spotlight has been on Jacqueline Wilson, the author of our new class novel, Hetty Feather. This story, set in Victorian times, is quite removed from Wilson's usual genre, though there are clear links to her other works. You most probably know her as the author of Tracey Beaker, about a dysfunctional girl who is raised in a foster home. Real-life, contemporary children's issues are Wilson's usual themes and while it is set long ago, Hetty Feather still tackles controversial story lines such as bullying, disease, and growing up in harsh conditions. Y6 children are always hooked on Hetty Feather. 


In maths, we have introduced decimal numbers. Children have learned how to recognise digit value and can order and compare decimal numbers (the skill when ordering and comparing is to put zeros at the end of decimal digits to make it easier to see which is bigger/smaller). We have also rounded decimals to the nearest whole number and to 1 and 2 decimal places. 


As you can see, it has been another busy, busy week. Have a great weekend!
