Wow! The last full week of Spring term has gone! This year is going far too quickly.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank parents for your continued support! This terms drumming assesmbely was very well attended, as was both parents evenings. Thank you for the kind comments you left in our comments book, the Y3F team value them.
This weeks pupil of the week was Matthew for his continuous focus on the task in hand this week.
This weeks perfect punctuality winner was Teigan Jones. Keep it up.
In Maths we have been looking at different angles. We had to identify whether an angle was a right angle, acute angle or obtuse angle. We then went on to recognising horizontal, vertical, paralell and perpendicular lines.
We have had a week of spelling and grammar. We have been looking at the different spellings of similar sounding words and how they fit into a sentence. It was very confusing!
We started our new topic of forces and magnets. We started by looking at how things travel on different surfaces. We did this by carrying out an investigation. This consisted of us using a ramp and a car on the carpet, table, playground, MUGA and in the school hall. We found that the car travelled furthest on the smooth surface and less distance on the rough surfaces.
In topic we looked at Roman Mosaics. We then designed and created our own. This brought us to the end of our Roman topic.
We were very happy to see you all at our drumming assesmbely. We hoped you enjoyed it.
Thank you for reading our blog. Have a fab weekend and we hope to see you all on Monday.
The Y3F Team