Welcome to Year 5F’s blog for this week. It has been another busy week and the children have been working hard
Maths – This week the children have been comparing decimal numbers using the symbols < and >.
Take a look at this website which lets you play a comparing decimals game for yourself…
English - The children have begun to look at a new novel called Bill’s New Frock by Anne Fine. The blurb reads…One morning, Bill wakes up to find he’s a girl! And worse, his mum makes him wear a pink frock to school. Can his day get any worse? Bill’s about to discover that everything is very different for girls…
The book allows the children to look at how sometimes the world can stereotype boys and girls. They give dolls to girls and cars to boys, boys wear blue and girls wear pink. The children have been looking at how we can challenge those stereotypes in life and that they will be free to pursue whatever career they choose in the future, regardless of gender.
Science - This week the children have written up the experiment that they carried out last week. They were looking at the link between mass (kg) and weight (N). They have come to the conclusion that the heavier the mass of an object the stronger the force of gravity will be.
Here is our certificate winner for this week. He won for being in school on time every morning this week. Well done from us all in 5F.
It is the Year 5 Sports Day on Tuesday 22nd May in the morning. The children will need to bring in a PE kit. Water will be provided for the children but you may wish to send in a bottle of water if the weather remains as it has been. Also, you may wish to put sun cream on for them before they come to school and send them in with a hat.
All that remains is to say goodbye for this week and to wish you a happy weekend. We hope you enjoy watching Prince Harry, and his bride Meghan, getting married on Saturday and the lovely weather that has been forecast for the weekend.