Congratulations to Mason A for receiving the achievement award for counting in 100s to 1000 from 0 on a counting stick independently.
In English this week we have created our own aliens and had a go at describing them. We later found out the aliens had gone missing! So we made some posters to describe the aliens to help find them. We are working really hard to write ‘and’ sentences and exciting sentences in our writing this term.
In Maths we have been working on place value to 20. We have been making the numbers using base 10. We represented these in part-whole models using pictures of base 10. We need lots of practise counting and writing numbers to 20.
In topic this week we watched Apollo 11 launch into space and Neil Armstrong taking the first steps on the moon. We then wrote a fact file for Neil Armstrong.
We have continued to look at materials to make a space suit this week. We investigated the properties stretchy and stiff. Then we decided the space suit needed to be made from stretchy materials so that we could move inside it.
Don’t forget to return your letter for the phonics screening information meeting. If you don’t have a letter, please ask on Monday. Have a lovely weekend.
Lots of love,
Miss Rose, Mrs Duckworth and Mrs Wright