Friday 19th May
SPORT'S DAY - It will be held on Tuesday 23rd May 9am - 11 am (weather permitting). Should it need to be cancelled there will be posters displayed around school and text messages will be sent out.
CHOIR, CAKE and a CUPPA - Why not come along to school if you're free on Wednesday 24th May at 9am and watch Westfield's OUTSTANDING choir perform a selection of songs? Tickets are on sale at the Front Office for £1 each. All the proceeds will go towards the School Christmas Party Fund for the children.
Welcome to this week’s blog from Year 5F.
On Thursday, both Year 5 classes visited Liverpool as part of our topic on the Ancient Greeks. The children were fantastic and had a fabulous day. Thankfully, the weather stayed dry for us all, which was a massive bonus! In the morning, we visited Liverpool Museum where the children had chance to explore all five floors! They visited the aquarium, the bug house, the Ancient Egyptian display which had REAL mummies lying in their sarcophaguses, the dinosaur exhibition with its impressive display of skeletons and the top floor which was all about space.
After lunch, we moved on to the Walker Art Gallery. The children had time to view all the MAGNIFICENT paintings and sculptures throughout the building. Some of the artwork dated back to the 1400s! After that, we gathered together and were taken to view a painting depicting a scene from a Greek Myth. The painting is called Atalanta and Meleager by Charles LeBrun. Take a look for yourself at this simply stunning painting...
The children sat mesmerised and spellbound as they heard the tragic story behind the painting. Unhappy with the terribly sad ending, they rewrote it and then performed their new (much happier) ending with their partners.
Here are a few photos from the day…
Maths – The children have continued their work investigating angles. They have been learning about reflex angles and how to measure them. A reflex angle is an angle that measures more than 180°. Also, they have been working out missing angle measurements along a straight line. A straight line measures 180° and if you are given one of the angle measurements it is just a case of subtracting that from 180 and you have the solution to the missing angle measurement!
Take a look at this website which will give you the chance to use what you know about angles to complete the mission…
English – The children have been learning about Ancient Greek myths. A definition of a myth is a story without an author that is passed along by word of mouth, from generation to generation, and is usually intended to teach a lesson. They have read some the stories about Perseus and his bravery. They have learned about Theseus and the Minotaur, Athena and Medusa and later how Perseus slayed Medusa, Arachne the Spinner as well as Persephone and her mother Demeter. The children are enjoying reading these action-packed, magical stories from the past.
Take a look at this website where you can either read or watch these amazing Greek myths (as well as some from other countries around the world including England)…
Topic – The children have been finding out about Greek gods and goddesses. Did you know they lived at the top of Mount Olympus? Also, Zeus was the King of all the gods and was married to his sister Hera! The children have been fascinated by this mysterious world of gods, goddesses and demi-gods! They have begun to design their very own god or goddess.
Science – The children have been investigating air resistance on different objects. They have looked carefully at the shape of the object and asked the question…will the shape affect the amount of air resistance on the object?
Here is our CERTIFICATE WINNER for this week. He won for working super hard to improve his attitude over the last few weeks. His mature attitude shone during yesterday’s trip to Liverpool.
All that remains to say is have a fabulous weekend and we’ll see you again on Monday.
Please try to support our School Choir Coffee Morning on Wednesday. Check out the details below.
Finally, have your say. Each week you will have a chance to decide on which new song we will learn in next week's whole school assembly. Click on the link below to take part in an online vote. (Note -this is carried from last week's choices.)