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Friday 19th October 2018

Wow, what another amazing week here in Year 4.


Our teachers would like to thank all the parents that came along this week to one of the two Parents' Evenings.  Our teachers really appreciate you coming along to meet them and hear the amazing work we are doing this year.


On Thursday morning, lot of you (our parents) came into school again to watch our Autumn Assembly.  This year we shared our work from topic on Ancient Egypt.  We added a couple of songs (that our teachers let us choose that we sing on Friday) and a new song especially for the assembly.


We shared some amazing facts -did you know for example,


Pyramids took about 20 years to build...


The ancient Egyptians knew lots about medicine, in fact a lot of our medicine today is based on what the Egyptians knew.


The first female physician was lived 4000 BC in Ancient Egypt.


We'd like to share some of our work from assembly with you.  Click on the audio files below to listen to the songs that we sang.

Leaves That Are Green Turn To Brown.mp3

Me And Julio Down By The Schoolyard.mp3

Walk Like An Egyptian.mp3

All that's left to say is thank you for your support this first half term, have a great half term break, and we'll see you when we're back on the 29th October.