In Maths this week, we have been learning how to add by counting on. We have been putting the largest number in our heads and counting on. We have also been using numberlines and writing addition number sentences using the + and = signs.
In English, we have been learning a new story - How to Catch a Star- by Oliver Jeffers. This week we have been using Talk for Writing to retell our model text. We used actions, big voices and pictures to map out the story and help us to learn it. We have also been looking at new vocabulary to describe the star, sand and trees in the story.
In Science, we have been testing materials to see if they are magnetic. We have been testing a range of materials to see which ones would stick to the magnet. We also found out that we can feel a 'force' when the magnets are held together. We learnt that most metal objects were magnetic, but when we tested Miss Lodge's watch and an aluminium can, they did not stick, so not all metals are magnetic. Some children could relate magnets at school to when they bought magnets and stuck them to metal objects at home.
In topic, we have been learning about Neil Armstrong. We have been learning about his life. He began life as a test pilot and progressed to being an astronaut. He was most significant for being the first man to walk on the moon.
Thank you for your patience this week, with the snow and changes to morning and home time arrangements. It is very much appreciated.
Have a lovely weekend.