Hello and welcome back... we hope you had a good half term!
Well we got straight back at it this week with a piece of writing on a miptor. A miptor is a pet that can be whatever you want it to be - the children had to create their own miptor before becoming an expert and writing a guide on how to look after one! We had some very interesting ideas!
In maths we have been using formulae working on perimeter and area on rectilinear and compound shapes as well as triangles. The children have a real good grasp on this - well done to them.
In topic and science we have been looking at the influential work of Lord Shaftesbury and John Boyd Orr. Both pioneered to make positive changes for children's lives.
Thank you to those who attended the parent and child workshop. It was delightful to see so many of you interacting with your children in class. We hope to see you at each session. If you couldn't make last week, please feel free to come along to our next session, the more the merrier!!!
Have a great weekend and we will see you on Monday.
Love from Mrs Parry, Mrs Melling and Mr Jackson xx