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Westfield Community School A beacon of hope (Ofsted)

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Friday 1st March

Friday 1st March


Welcome back to this week’s blog from Year 5F after the half term break. It has been a busy first week back.


Today is St David’s Day, who is the patron saint of Wales. To find out more about this Welsh monk click on the link below…

Maths – This week we have begun to look at fractions. The children remembered that the top of a fraction is called the numerator and it tells you how many parts you have. Whereas, the denominator (the bottom number in a fraction) tells you how many parts there are altogether.


They then went on to look at unit fractions (where the numerator is always 1) and investigate equivalent fractions.


This game with BBC’s Dick and Dom allows you to explore equivalent fractions further…

English – This week have written a ‘Cold Task’ for a portal story (where you go through a portal to a different world). After that, they read a story called Elf Road by Pie Corbett in which a young, inquisitive boy called Billy spots an unusual door and goes through it into another world. They followed his adventures. Next, they explored the vocabulary in the story, using a dictionary they clarified it and then thought what it meant in the context of the story.


Follow the link to read Pie Corbett’s story for yourself…

Topic – The children have attached their circuit to their moon buggies and designed and decorated a shell to go over the chassis and circuit. The final step in their designing was to evaluate their work. They had to think about what worked, what didn’t, what adaptations they needed to make and if there is anything they would do differently next time.


Science – The children have begun their new topic about FORCES. They thought about forces they already know, forces that are always around but that we cannot necessarily see, how they affect us and whether they are a push or a pull. They thought about what they might be finding out about in the topic. Then they created a mind-map to show what they know.


Here is our certificate winner this week. She won for making a MASSIVE effort to get into school on time, EVERY DAY!! Amazing – keep it up. Well done from all of us in Year 5F!

All that remains to say is have a great weekend and we will see you again on Monday.
