November already? Crazy!
We hope you had a wonderful, well rested half term and are ready for another very busy half term ahead!
This week we have been learning how to subtract two 3 digits numbers. At first it was plain sailing, but it got more difficult as we had to exchange!
Here is the link to login to TT rockstars.
Your username is your first name and second name inital. Your password is y3f.
For example
Name: John Turner
Username: johnt
password: y3f
Can you believe it?
A teacher called this morning,
He didn't leave his name,
Put every sound into a bag,
And carried it away!!
A teacher called this morning,
He didn't leave his name,
Left us only silence,
Life will never be the same!
This week we wrote our very own poems based on The Sound Collector by Roger McCough.
We then wrote Halloweeeeen acrostic poems! On Friday we changed sentences from future tense to past tense.
We tested our hand at last years Bebras challenges in preparation for next week when we try this years! Why don't you give them a try.... Good Luck!
In P.E we started our dance unit! It isn't like a dance you would see at a party, we are starting to learn the Haka!
This week our focus was decision making, we were faced with a number of dilemmas and had to think about what we would do.
We started to learn about Rock Stars this week! We started by looking at a variety of rocks and putting them into groups. We then thought about how geologists would group them. They would group them by the rock types. We learnt about the different rock types (metamorphic, igneous and sedimentary).
We began our prehistoric Britain topic. We did this by venturing out to the ALPs and considering what we would need to survive. We decided on shelter, food, water and fire.
Check out the pictures below.
A busy week? I know!!
Have a great weekend! :)