We hope you all had a great half term and good fun trick or treating. We have certainly got back to it this week and have had some spooky themed activities too.
In maths this week, we have worked on division and applied our knowledge to work out some problems.
In English we did some work on our book, The Mozart Question, which was described by your children as heart-warming, sorrowful and meaningful. The children really enjoyed this book and it made great links with our previous history topic. We also analysed some spooky poems including The Visitor by Ian Serraillier and The Listeners by Walter de la Mare.
Our geography topic is all about capital cities and our first lesson was great. We will be finding out about some fascinating cities this year so we are looking forward to what is to come.
In science, we began our electricity topic which led us to building our very own simple circuit – the children had lots of fun with this!
As always, it’s been a very busy week in 6F! Have a great weekend and we will see you on Monday.
From Mr Metcalfe & Mrs Lyon