Welcome back to a new term. We hope you had a great Easter break and isn't it wonderful to finally see some good weather?
With just a few weeks to go before SATS you can imagine that Y6's days are very busy as we work towards them.
In English this week, we have mainly focused on reading skills. In particular, the children have been helped how to find and use evidence when answering long comprehension questions that require explanation and justification from the text. The key is locating relevant quotes and explaining how they show the necessary point. Tricky, but very achievable.
In maths we spent a couple of days practicing position and direction skills - these include understanding co-ordinates, translations and reflections. In addition, we have maintained our practice of arithmetic which is paying off with most children progressing nicely.
In topic we have explored what it was like to be at school in Victorian times. We then went on to write a balanced argument that asked: should we return to Victorian discipline in schools? Some bold Y6 claim they wouldn't be phased by super strict teachers (with canes!) but they know full well that they will never get to truly experience what it was like.
Next week is MOCK SATS week. There is no let up! have a great weekend.
Bye for now!!