Welcome back!
Hope you all had a great half term and rested well. As the weather warms up, please do remember to send a jumper in for your child as the weather is changeable and they are outside for about 45 minutes at dinner time.
In maths this week we have been learning about capacity (how much liquid a container can hold) and volume (the amount of liquid in a container). We have used both rice and water to investigate, measure and record capacity. We are finding it tricky to identify when a container is half full/empty.
In English this week we have introduced the Julia Donaldson story, The Detective Dog. It tells the story of Detective Dog Nell and how she sniffs out the book thief and shows him the library, where he can borrow books instead of stealing them. The children loved the story and have been busy writing their own version describing where Nell would go if she came to look around our school.
In Science we have started to learn about the human body and we have thought about our main 5 senses and which part of our bodies they use.
In topic this week we have been designing emergency vehicles as part of our people who help us topic. We will use these to make an emergency vehicle model this half term.
Thank you to everyone who is taking and using the phonics packs home, we can see a huge difference in school and really appreciate the time taken for this.
Have a lovely weekend,
Lots of love,
Miss Rose, Mrs Duckworth and Mrs Wright
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