Welcome to 4W's blog.
Our well deserved award winner this week was Harry. He has continued to really impressed his teachers with his attitude in class. He is a quiet worker who takes his learning very seriously. It has been noticed, Harry, well done.
In English this week, we worked some more on our poem, The Owl and the Pussy-Cat. This week we have been newspaper reporters and writing our own headlines, standfirsts, lead/opening paragraph and the body of the report which includes the full details of the news story.
On Thursday, we even got to interview Turkey and Piggy-wig!
Piggy-wig was asked by one reporter why he was willing to sell his ring for only a shilling.
His answer was, "Because I am poor and I need money."
Have you noticed where the speech marks go when we write direct speech? 4W know that they go around what is being said AND the punctuation at the end e.g. full stop, exclamation mark or question mark.
In Maths this week, Year 4 have been continuing with fractions, in particular we have been looking at hundredths and tenths. We can now find hundredths and tenths of a whole number and give this as a fraction.
We have also had lots of fun playing this online Hundredths and Tenths game. Click here.
We had lots of fun in PE too with our first circuit training session. We worked our way around 5 activities -jump the line, hoola-hooping, shuttle run, skipping and pass the ball around our waist. We will do this for the next few weeks to try to improve our bleep test score from last week.
And what did 4W think of the lesson?
They agreed that "it was tiring but so much fun. We can't wait for next week's lesson."
Finally, today, some of us have just started using a brilliant program to help us practise coding. We have been looking at onscreen control using algorithms (a set of instructions or commands). The programme we used was called Lightbot -and it can be found here -CLICK HERE.
It is free to play online and to download from Google Play, and for the iPad from the App Store. So what are you waiting for? Get coding...
Until next time, have a great week!