Welcome to 5W's blog of the week.
This week has been all about statistics. They have used many different ways to present information, such as tally charts, bar charts, pictograms and line graphs. The children started the week by looking at information in charts and answering questions about the information. Some children investigated bar charts in more detail and created their own graphs based on their own investigation. Others have been investigating time tables and line graphs. The children have learned how to interpret and read information given to answer questions based on the line/time graphs.
This week's English has been all about our own Mythical Creature! The children have had the opportunity to design their own creature to write about. We looked at many different mythical creatures, such as the Unicorn, Sphynx and the Hydra. They they drew their own, wrote down as many WOW adjective words to describe their creature, wrote expanded noun phrases, sentences including parenthesis and relative clause sentences and gave their creature a name. The children then used all this work to write a description about their creature, the work the children produced really was fantastic and they should be very proud of their writing. You certainly WOWED Miss Catherall.
This week the children have been looking at the Olympic Games, as this orginated in Greece. The class found out when they began, what events took place, the rules of events and who was allowed to take part. The children then compared the Olympics of Ancient Greece to that of modern day Olympics.
Science this week has been all about soluble and insoluble materials. We also looked at the terms solvent, solute and solution and how the three all link together. The children were asked Do you think that different types of sugar will dissolve at the same rate? To answer this question, the children conducted an experiment. They were given 4 different types of sugar (caster, icing, sugar cubs and granulated) they were to predict which one they thought would dissolve the quickest in water. Each child took it in turns to drop a tea spoon of sugar into water and stir it until it had completely dissolved, timing this as it happened. The children recorded their results and wrote conclusions about their findings. It was apparent that the icing sugar dissolved the quickest due to the smaller sugar particles and the sugar cubes took the longest time due to the bigger sugar particles.
Our Certificate winner this week was Bethany and Tadeas, both for their enthusiasm and effort they put into their English work this week. Both created an amazing mythical creature and wrote beautiful descriptions about them. Well done.
A reminder that it is our school trip to The National History Museum in Liverpool on Tuesday, remaining slips must be brought in on Monday please! Children are allowed to take a maximum of £4 to the trip on Tuesday, money will be put in an envelope and kept by the teachers until they are able to spend their money.
All that is left to say is I hope you have a lovely weekend and I will see you all on Monday.