Friday 20th May 2016
Welcome back to Year 5F’s blog for the week.
Maths – The children have been learning all about statistics. They can be represented in many different ways…bar charts, pictograms, line graphs, time graphs, tables, pie charts to name just a few! The children have been investigating time tables and time graphs this week. They have learned how to interpret the information and take readings from a graph.
Take a look at this website and see if you can do it too…
English – We have been looking at all kinds of mythical creatures. The children have discovered that throughout history there have been various mythological beasts. They have researched unicorns, the sphinx, the hydra, the basilisk, the minotaur, the kraken and the griffin. The children have been writing a short description of each creature using sentences which contain noun phrases (two or more adjectives – describing words) as well as a clause (dropping in some extra information using either which, who or that). Here are some examples from the children’s work…
The unicorn’s golden, majestic horn, that exudes magical power, shimmers in the moonlight. (By Bethan)
The sticky, slimey suction cups on the Kraken’s tentacles, when clasping a ship, can pull it under the sea. (By Mikey)
The horrendous, horrid Hydra, which has nine snake-like heads, is virtually impossible to kill! (By Kelsey)
The minotaur’s mighty, flexible arms, which could crush a skull, through a man across the maze! (By George)
The sphinx had long, ponted claws, which are as sharp as a spear, and could kill a man in seconds. (By Caiden)
This beastly and venomous creature, who has nine heads, is known as the Hydra. (By Breeze)
They went on to create their own mythological beasts, which are just amazing, and then write a paragraph to describe its appearance.
Here are some of their imaginative creatures…
Science – We have continued to look at materials and their properties. They have been finding out about solutes, solvents and solutions and what they all are. A solute is a dissolvable solid (or a soluble solid), a solvent is a liquid and a solution is what you get when a solid has dissolved inside a liquid. The children were then asked the question…
Do you think that different types of sugar will dissolve at the same rate?
They have planned an experiment to try and answer this question. They have four different types of sugar (granulated, caster, icing and cubes) which they will dissolve with the same amount of water, same amount of stirs and the same container each time.
Topic – This week the children have been investigating the Ancient Olympics. They have found out when and how they began, what events there were, who was allowed to compete and then they compared them to the Modern Olympics of today.
Take a look at this BBC website to find out more about how the Olympic Games began...
Our CERTIFICATE WINNER this week is Aimee for being the perfect PA. No job is too big or too small, she’s always willing to lend a hand and always does it with a smile. She went on to win UPPER PHASE PUPIL OF THE WEEK in assembly. What a superstar! Well done Aimee from all of 5F!
A big thank you to everyone who has returned the permission slips for our trip on Tuesday. The children are very excited about visiting Liverpool next week. Can you please ensure your child is dressed for the weather - a coat and sensible walking shoes if cold and if the sun decides to make an appearance can you please put suncream on and send a hat. Also, can we take this opportunity to remind you that the children are allowed to bring no more than £4.00 spending money, and on the day of the trip only. Thank you for your co-operation.
All that remains to say we hope you have a great weekend and we look forward to seeing you again on Monday.