Welcome to year 5W's blog of the week.
This week we have been looking at factors, so we have been doing lots of work on our multiplication and division skills. A factor is a number that will divide equally into another number, for example 1, 2, 4 and 8 will all divide into the number 8 because 1 x 8=8 2 x 4= 8. We then looked at finding common factors of numbers and finding the lowest common multiple and the highest common multiple.
Next week the teachers would like to test the children on their times tables and division facts, in order for them to achieve more times tables bands. So lots of practice if you can at home please.
This week we have started our new novel How to Train Your Dragon. A book all about burly vikings and dragons of different classes. We started the week by annotating the front cover and blurb and using the information from these pages to think about what the book could be about. We then pulled apart the first page of the book finding literary features such as alliterations, adverbial phrases and punctuation. We watched a short video all about the Dragons that could be found on the Island of Berk and took notes about all the different creatures. We then created our own dragon and wrote a description about it, giving details about their appearance, eating habits and attacking techniques.
We have continued our work on Viking Longships this week. We looked at different designs of the Longships, considering the different features/parts and the colours used. We then had a go at sketching our own Longship . Next week will we finish them off using oil pastels. I'm excited already to see the finished artwork.
This week we have continued looking at Animals including Humans. The children have investigated the challenges and benefits you face when you become elderly. Today we started a science investigation into what happens to the size of parts of the body as you grow older. We took a trip around the school and had plenty of volunteers from children to staff who wanted to help us with our investigation. Each group had a different focus; if our shoe size gets bigger as we get older, if our shoe size gets bigger as we get taller and the older you get the taller you get. We will put our results into a table next week so we can see if there are any comparisons.
Our certificate winner this week AND the winner of the upper phase was Emma! Emma hurt her hand last week and she has not let this affect her work or attitude to learning this week. She has had a smile on her face all week and she only took one day off! Well done Emma. This is the second week in a row we have won the upper phase trophy...lets go for three! Keep it up 5W.
I hope you all have a lovely weekend and the rain stays away! See you on Monday.