Hello and welcome back to the last Yr5W Blog of this half term.
We carried on working on column addition this week, working on calculations where numbers were missing.
so the missing digits are 2 in the top number and 7 in the bottom number.
This week we looked at the features of diary writing. Things like:- written in the first person, informal style (like writing as if talking to a friend), using time adverbials (then, next, after etc), written in past tense and dates and times to name a few. We were then given a diary extract and had to highlight the features. Our final task was to write a diary extract pretending we were Charlie Bucket.
The life cycle of animals was our learning this week. We looked at a frog. The cycle begins with the eggs (frogspawn) which hatch into tadpoles, which develop into froglets and finally adult frogs. When fully mature they start the cycle again by laying and fertilising eggs.
Topic was another diary extract. However, this time it was our account of the Martin Mere trip.
Pupil of the Week is Niamh Chegwin for being the all round perfect pupil. She does nothing but please both in and outside the classroom. Well done!
Wishing Dominik a happy birthday for the 19th October. We hope you enjoyed your special day.
And finally . . . .
Congratulations to our new Play Leaders. The children had to submit a letter of application and have an interview. We’re pleased to tell you 10 yes 10 children from Yr5W were successful.
Hope you all have a great half term and we’ll see you on Monday 30th.