News just in...5.45, just as MrP got home. Check out our retweet and message from SF Said...
Welcome back to another exciting week here in Year Four. As you will be fully aware, we love reading...yes we...
Reading. How much? We hear you ask? Well, this much of course...
...and, that's a lot, right?
So, we were really excited this week for a number of reasons. The first -well, the travelling book fair was in school. We got chance to look and share the books with some of the younger children. Take a look.
Another reason we have been so excited -we completed The Firework Maker's Daughter. Wow! It was so good, we burst into a spontaneous round of applause! It's got to be pretty amazing to make us do that right? After half term, we plan on doing some work based on the book. We'll be posting regularly (hopefully daily) on our Class Reader Blog. Check it out here.
And, the excitement didn't end there. (How much excitement can the children take you've got to ask?) We started our new class reader...The brillant...wait for it...the amazing...Varjak Paw by S.F.Said.
In Maths, we have been using our knowledge of rounding and inverse operations to help us figure out some addition and subtraction problems. Take a look.
23 + 14 = 37, because we know this, we also know 14 + 23 =37
...we also know, 37 - 14 = 23 and 37 -23 = 14.
How cool is that? Why no see if you can work out some of these?