Friday 20th October
Welcome to this week’s blog from 5F. We can’t believe how quickly the weeks have flown by and that is half term already!
Maths – This week the children have have continued looking at column addition. Also, we have been blasting our times tables, concentrating on the 7s and 8s. Please help your child to practise them at home over the half term holiday. They have been chanting them using Mrs Roberts’ foolproof, tried and trusted method.
1x7=7 1x8=8
2x7=14 2x8=16
3x7=21 My age 3x8=24 Mr Price’s favourite number!
4x7=28 4x8=32
5x7=35 5x8=40
6x7=42 Grant Road 6x8=48 It rhymes!
7x7=49 7x8=56 5678
8x7=56 5678 8x8=64
9x7=63 I hurt my knee! 9x8=72 The cow goes MOO!
10x7=70 10x8=80
11x7=77 11x8=88
12x7=84 Knock on the door! 12x8=96 Weetabix!
Take a look at this website which allows you to practise times tables…
English – The children have been looking at homophones for their spellings this week. A homophone is a word which sounds the same as another. However, it is spelt differently and means something completely different. For example…
guessed and guest morning and mourning
Also, we have been looking at the features of a diary. They have looked at diary entries and spotted the features for themselves. This led to them planning a diary entry as if they were Charlie on the day he visited the Chocolate Factory. Eventually, they wrote their own diary entry.
Topic – The children have made a storyboard plan of their trip to Martin Mere. They used this to help them create a diary page re-telling the events from the day.
Science – This week the children have been learning about the lifecycle of a frog. They produced some beautiful explanations, alongside diagrams showing the frog’s lifecycle.
Take a look at this film clip which helps to explain the frog lifecycle in more detail...
Here is our CERTIFICATE WINNER this week. He won for his boot-scootin’, hip-swinging rendition of the 7 times table which has resulted in him achieving his 7s and 8s times table wristband. As well as this, he won the UPPER PHASE PUPIL OF THE WEEK TROPHY to take home for the half term holiday. A big well done and congratulations from us all.
All that remains is to wish you all a fantastic half term break and we look forward to seeing you back in school on Monday 30th October.