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Westfield Community School A beacon of hope (Ofsted)

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Friday 20th October

Exotic Pets & WW2 Day

Hello and welcome back to our final blog of the first half time flies!!!sad


As you are aware, we held a WW2 day today in year 6. We had a great time making air raid shelters, spit fires and even listened to Vera Lynn singing! We had a really good day.smiley


This week in English, we have been discussing exotic pets and whether people should keep them as pets. Your children had a great discussion about it and produced some fantastic writing demonstrating their opinions. Well done to


In maths we have been looking at prime numbers, factors, multiples and BODMAS - yes! All in a week!!! no


We became professors in Science when we produced our very own 'Guide to Light' which showed everything the children have learned on light this term.mail


We hope you have a great break and we will see you on the 30th.

Take care

Mrs Parry and Mrs Melling xx


