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Westfield Community School A beacon of hope (Ofsted)

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Friday 20th September 2019

In Maths this week we began to order and compare numbers.  We did some work last year in Year 3 on this, and now we are working with bigger numbers.  You know what?  We're pretty good at it, even if we do say so ourselves.

Our teachers took us outside with whiteboards.  They asked us to write 2,3, 4 digit numbers on them.  Then, they asked us to compare and order the numbers.  What a great way of all taking part in what can sometimes be a tricky activity.  Take a look at us out in the sunshine having fun with our Maths below.

Wednesday afternoon sees one of our favourite lessons -French.  Mrs Wilson comes in and works with all the Year 4 classes.  She's great at speaking French, and we love to give it a go.  This Wednesday we were caught on camera `showing off'.  We were doing an activity called Dans le sac, which means `in the bag'.  We are saying lots of things are in the bag.  Can you tell what is dans le sac?  We can...


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