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Westfield Community School A beacon of hope (Ofsted)

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Friday 21st April

Welcome back and welcome to the Summer Term!


This weeks pupil of the week won their award for their excellent behaviour in class, in school and at after-school club. It has been noticed by several members of staff! Keep it up.


We have had a number of children this week who have achieved their next spelling badge! 


It has been a short, but busy week!



We have started to look at fractions. We have impressed Mr Fletcher with how quickly we grasped counting in tenths and finding tenths of objects and amounts. We are the King and Queens of fractions.



We have started to learn about Myths and Legends, we started the week by reading Kuang-Li and the Dragon. We had to make a freeze frame that told the story. Then we had to summarise the story into a few sentences. Following that, we read Beowolf and Grendel and analysed that story alongside Kuang-Li. We are really starting to enjoy Myths and Legends. We don't you visit the link below to read some more!


We started our new Topic, looking at Plants. We started by labeling the parts of a plant and describing the functions of each part. 



On Thursday we learnt about Tsunami's and droughts and how to stay safe during them. Then, on Friday we rounded the week and the Topic of by completing a Natural Disasters quiz. We will be starting our new Topic next week 'Haigh Hall'. So why don't you get a head start and do some research in your learning log, or even pay Haigh Hall a visit!



Rounders! We started our new focus sport by learning how to throw, catch and bowl a tennis ball! Next week we will look at batting!



We have started learning how to say 'I have.....' and then talk about animals.



Thank you for reading this weeks blog, make sure you call back next week!

Finally, have your say.  Each week you will have a chance to decide on which new song we will learn in next week's whole school assembly.  Click on the link below to take part in an online vote.
