Welcome back!
We're glad you all had a lovely Easter break and hope you had a good rest.
We have been reading the story, The Jolly Postman this week. We found out that he has gone missing and so we wrote Missing posters to help find him. We included question marks, exclamation marks and even some 2a sentences!
In maths this week we have been learning about money. In year 1 we need to be able to recognise the coins, we find this really tricky, so please help us lots with this at home.
Our topic for science for the summer term is animals including humans, so this week we have been finding out more about our bodies and checking that we know the names of all our body parts.
Our topic this term is called, 'People Who Help Us' we have been thinking about different people who help us and what we would like to do when we grow up. We have lots of budding Police Officers and Vets in our class!
Hope you have a lovely weekend, and don't forget to vote for your song choice for assembly (you can even request a song)!
Lots of love,
Miss Rose, Mrs Grimes and Mrs Folksman
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