Friday 21st September
Welcome to this week’s blog from Year 5F. It has been another busy week!
Over the past few weeks, each class in school has been working on decorating a reading corner for the children. Here are some photographs of our corner. The children LOVE it and couldn't wait to get in and choose one of our new books for reading in class...
Maths – The children began the week rounding numbers up to 6-digits to the nearest 10, 100 and 1000. After that, they moved onto investigating the Roman Number system. (Roman Numerals)
Check out this website which helps to explain Roman Numerals a little further…
Play this game at home with your child to help them practise Roman Numerals…
English – The children have continued to read our class novel, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. They have been thinking about how Charlie might have felt when he opened his chocolate bar and found the final golden ticket.
Also, the children have looked at extracts from Charlie and then made inferences and deductions about how the characters might be feeling. They have thought about the author’s choice of language and how that helps to build an image of each character for the reader
Science – The children have been looking at our new topic Animals and their Habitats. They have investigated habitats that can be found on the ALPS at school. Then they looked at how different animals have adapted so that they can live in a woodland or wetland habitat.
In P.E. the children are learning about netball. They have been practising how to throw the ball using either a bounce pass, chest pass or shoulder pass. Here are some pictures of them practising and then playing a short game of bench netball. They all thoroughly enjoyed the lesson….
Here is our certificate winner this week. She won for her stunning work ethic, willingness to help around the classroom and for always brightening up the classroom with her smile. Well done from all of us!
A big thank you to everyone who has returned the slip for our class trip to Martin Mere on Wednesday 10th October. The children are really looking forward to going and seeing all the animals in their wetland habitats.
All that remains to say is have a great weekend and we will see you all again on Monday. Fingers crossed the rain will stop!