Hi there!
This week in English we have started to look at the language of persuasion before we embark on a task that aims to do just that. We have used the alarming fact that thousands of square miles of rainforest is being cut down every year to make way for palm oil plantations. Palm oil is a universally versatile type of vegetable oil that is used in the production of seemingly everything from shampoo to pizza. It is here to stay clearly but what Y6 want to do is to persuade supermarket bosses to consider stocking only products that contain ethically produced palm oil from sustainable plantations. To do this, they must skilfully draft a letter that informs the reader of the negatives of palm oil (such as the loss of habitat of important species like orang-utans) in an emotive way. They will need to make the reader have feelings of sympathy and guilt. We look forward to the results.
In maths, the children have sat the three papers that comprise Y6 SATS. It has been their very first look and while the papers always seem daunting at first, attitude was promising and the children hav3 the benefit of knowing what to expect next time. Back to fractions next week - never a dull moment!