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Friday 22nd September

Friday 22nd September


Welcome to this week’s blog from 5F. Once again, it has been another busy week.


Maths – This week the children have been learning about Roman Numerals. They discovered that they began in ancient Rome as a counting system. They use seven letters that each represent value. They are still used today and you can sometimes see them on the front of a building to tell you when it was built or on the face of a clock. Here are the seven Roman Numerals (which can be written as both lower or upper case letters)…


I=1, V=5, X=10, L=50, C=100, D=500 and M=1000.


Take a look at this online game to help you practise Roman Numerals…

English – The children have been looking at spellings ending in the letter chain tious. Also, they have been reading more of our class novel Charlie and the Chocolate Factory by Roald Dahl. They began by thinking of ways to describe an Oompa Loompa using exciting adjectives. They went on to practise writing some super sentences. Here are some examples from the children’s English books…


Every day these strange, mischievous creatures come to work and sing melodic, joyful songs. (By Oskar)


Every day, these honest, little creatures come to work and sing joyful, jovial songs. (By Callum)


Every day these chunky, orange creatures come to work and sing cheerful, upbeat songs. (By Teigan)


Every day these peculiar, light-hearted creatures come to work and sing joyful, incredible songs. (By Krystal)


Every day these unique, mischievous creatures come to work and sing comical, mysterious songs. (By Luke)


Science – The children have continued their topic called LIVING THINGS AND THEIR HABITATS. The children have been learning about all the different parts of a flowering plant. Did you know that they have both male and female parts? The male parts are called the stamen and the female parts are called the carpel. Each part separates into smaller parts. The carpel is made up of the stigma, style and ovary while the stamen is made up of the anther, filament and pollen.


Take a look at this website which helps to explain it all further…

Here is our CERTIFICATE WINNER this week. She won for being an absolute delight to have in the classroom, her smile brightens every day! frownfrownfrown Well done from all of Year 5F.

All that remains is to wish you all a fantastic weekend and we will see you back in school on Monday.
