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Westfield Community School A beacon of hope (Ofsted)

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Friday 23rd June

Hello from all of Year 6W and welcome to this week's blog. It has been a busy week with lots going on.


Maths - This week the children have compiled class surveys and then used the data they have collected to produce bar charts.


English - The children have been studying a classic poem by Alfred Noyes called The Highwayman. It is about a highwayman who is in love with Bess, the landlord's daughter. The children have written a monologue as if they were Bess, after her capture by King George's soldiers.

This week, on Tuesday, the children had a visitor from Wigan Council who came to talk to them about road safety, as many will be walking themselves to school once they start high school. 


Our certificate winner this week is Evelyn. She won for being a delightful member of the class. Well done to Evelyn from all her classmates and teachers. yesyesyes 


That's all for this week! We hope you all have a fabulous weekend and will see you again on Monday.

