Friday 23rd September
Welcome to Year 5F’s blog for this week.
Maths – This week the children have been looking at rounding numbers to the nearest 10, 100, 1000, 10 000 and 100 000! They began by looking at which ‘friendly’ numbers are either side of a number. For example,
52 lies between 50 and 60
456 lies between 400 and 500
1987 lies between 1000 and 2000
32 876 lies between 30 000 and 40 000
863 544 lies between 800 000 and 900 000
Once they had mastered that, they moved onto rounding to the nearest number. They used a little rhyme to help them determine whether to round up or down…1-4 hit the floor, 5-9 climb the vine. We will be continuing with this next week.
Take a look at this website to investigate rounding numbers with your child at home…
English – The children have been listening to a story called Bling! It is all about a young boy called Billy Midas who feels like he’s a bit of a loser. He has no friends – other than his pet cat called Goji. One day, a miniscule, elf-like creature called Chimichanga appears and grants him a wish. Billy wishes for gold. The Chimichanga gives him a special cushion that turns everything placed upon it into gold. Soon after, Billy becomes the most popular child in school as he magically turns everybody’s jewellery into gold. Everything is going well for Billy until one day when he comes home from school and can’t find his beloved pet Goji anywhere. He discovers the kitty fast asleep on the magic cushion…it has turned into gold! Billy is distraught and doesn’t know what to do! He calls for the Chimichanga who magically emerges from behind the flower pots in the garden and tells Billy he can reverse the power back but it will be forever. All the gold he has made so far will turn back to what it was before. Billy faces the dilemma of getting his cat back but going back to being a loser again. What should he do?
That is how the story ends…on a cliff hanger. Year 5F are desperate to find out what Billy did next. So, they designed WANTED posters to try and locate the mischievous, tricky little elf.
Topic – The children have continued with our topic called WOODLANDS AND WETLANDS. They have visited the ALPS to prove whether they are a woodland or not. They were investigating if our ALPS had some of the wildlife you would find in wooded areas in the U.K, if it had trees that grow closely together and if it had some of the plants you would expect to find. They were pleased to find that our ALPS is a woodland. They discovered a variety of flowering and non-flowering plants. There was evidence that birds lived there: there were many feathers lying on the ground. The trees were covered in moss and grew close together, only allowing glimpses of light to peep through their canopy of leaves. Growing on the soil they were amazed to discover many different species of fungi.
Take a look at the pictures of their time over there…
Science – In Science, we have been finding out about the different parts that make up a plant. Can you name them? Take a look at this website to see if you can…
The children then went on to look in closer detail at the flower on a plant. They dissected some to look at all the individual parts. Did you know that plants have parts that are both male and female? Take a look at this website and see if you can label all the different parts of a flower…
Here are some photographs of the children during our Science lesson taking a closer look at flowering plants…
All that remains to say is to have a fantastic weekend and we will see you back in school on Monday.