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Westfield Community School A beacon of hope (Ofsted)

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Friday 23rd September 2016

Friday 23rd September


All the children in Y4W have enjoyed a very successful week.

They have been writing in paragraphs and learning all about fronted adverbials.

We are well on with our handwriting and the presentation of our work is definitely improving.


In Maths, we have been finding out about negative numbers and counting forwards and backwards past zero.

This made us think about temperature and we have been using this to help read thermometers.


We have continued to be scientists too this week, investigating ice to find out more about its properties.


The programme Scratch 2 has been causing a lot of excitement in class as we learn how to make him move and speak. Well done, Bartek for sharing what you have learned. 


The BFG finally moved into our classroom this week along with Matilda, Willy Wonka and The Enormous Crocodile. 

We are Roald Dahl mad!!


Aaron has really impressed everyone in class this week with how much he knows about creating a balanced lifestyle. Well done, Aaron you deserve your award!
