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Westfield Community School A beacon of hope (Ofsted)

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Friday 26th January

Friday 26th January


This week Y6W was presented with a challenge. How much would it cost to re-surface the MUGA and replace the fencing? Armed with trundle wheels, off they went to measure the dimensions of the area which is 12 sided ( a dodecagon ) and add the measurement s to their own plan. From there they had to divide the shape into 3 smaller rectangles where multiplying the lengths by the widths would give the area in square metres. Areas were then multiplied by the cost of surfacing per square metre for a total price. Following this, the perimeter was calculated by adding every side all around the shape to then be multiplied by the cost per metre of new fencing. PHEW!!!!!!!! It was fun and really tested our calculation and problem solving skills. Take a look at the fun below........... 
