Hello again
This week has been mock SATS week which has allowed the children to experience the rigour and conditions of this important forthcoming time.
The children completed ALL the papers that last year's Y6 sat for real allowing them to pit their skills against the latest version of the tests that exist whilst allowing teachers to recognise where support is still needed. It has been a very promising experience with attitude and application both very positive.
Aside from this, Y6 have looked closely at how, in reading, ideas and opinions can be shown through using relevant text based evidence in order to demonstrate thorough understanding.
As well as that, we have drawn our Victorian topic to its close by asking the children to prove key aspects of their learning in an assessment task. It was great to see that there were lots of memorable learning, especially that regarding children's jobs such as being a trapper in a coal mine or chimney sweep. Wonder what's next in tropic?
See you soon,